Orquesta Tipica Fernandez Fierro
+ Pascal Comelade

UK debut for the Buenos Aires band responsible for taking traditional acoustic tango into the 21st century – a 12-man tango ‘orquesta tipica’ driven by 3 violins and four bandoneons! Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro is a 12 man tango orquesta tipica driven by 3 violins and four accordions. It’s younger, harder, faster and perfectly captures the mood of post financial crash Argentina. But it’s playful as well as intense, imagine the Tiger Lilies vaudeville style taken outside and given a good kicking by Roy Wood’s Wizzard and you’ll get some sense of the culture clash on offer from these shaggy haired hipsters. Applaud them for their virtuosity, love them for their intensity. ‘The vibe’s hip and energetic. The music’s totally infectious. They call it “non-traditional traditional tango.’ The Guardian