
Charlton Park, Malmesbury
SN16 9DG
“The man who’s making tango seriously cool” The Independent
“No question about who stole the show at La Linea festival’s tangoevening” Sunday Times
“An impossibly gruff voice and a mesmerising stage presence. TheTimes
He started as a rock musician, and then wrote film music for PedroAlmodovar. Now, rasping like an Argentine Tom Waits, Daniel Melingo’sreinventing Tango for the 21st century.Renowned across South America andlauded in France, the 51-year-old maverick artist took London by storm with abarnstorming show at the RFH earlier this year as part of La Linea and captivatedUK audiences with two shows in October 2008.
Daniel Melingo brings something of the rough and tumble of his rockbackground to his barrelhouse take on tango. Edgy, rough and smokey, Melingo’sworld is a world of whiskey, loose women and criminal slang. Dark, dangerousand exciting it’s a world that etched in his gruff voice and cut throat looksand gives his music a raucous edge that reclaims tango as music for the lostpeople. And it’s this vagabond edge combined with his extraordinary theatricalpresence, somewhere between Paolo Conte, Tom Waits and Ian Dury and which findshim adopting the persona of a street poet or tango comic, that make his liveshow so electrifying.
“Truly charismatic, a singer whose gruff voice has inevitablydrawn comparisons with Paolo Conte and Tom Waits.” The Sunday TImes
"Imagine a proud hybrid of Paolo Conte and Ian Dury, with thefacial mannerisms of a silent-film heavy." The Guardian
Melingo- Maldito Tango is out now on Manana Records